function PsExecute($command, $timeout = 60, $sleep = 2) {
// First, execute the process, get the process ID
$pid = PsExec($command);
if( $pid === false )
return false;
$cur = 0;
// Second, loop for $timeout seconds checking if process is running
while( $cur < $timeout ) {
$cur += $sleep;
// If process is no longer running, return true;
echo "\n ---- $cur ------ \n";
if( !PsExists($pid) )
return true; // Process must have exited, success!
// If process is still running after timeout, kill the process and return false
return false;
function PsExec($commandJob) {
$command = $commandJob.' > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!';
exec($command ,$op);
$pid = (int)$op[0];
if($pid!="") return $pid;
return false;
function PsExists($pid) {
exec("ps ax | grep $pid 2>&1", $output);
while( list(,$row) = each($output) ) {
$row_array = explode(" ", $row);
$check_pid = $row_array[0];
if($pid == $check_pid) {
return true;
return false;
function PsKill($pid) {
exec("kill -9 $pid", $output);