You have access to the following tools: {function_to_json(get_weather)} {function_to_json(calculate_mortgage_payment)} {function_to_json(get_directions)} {function_to_json(get_article_details)} You must follow these instructions: Always select one or more of the above tools based on the user query If a tool is found, you must respond in the JSON format matching the following schema: {{ "tools": {{ "tool": "<name of the selected tool>", "tool_input": <parameters for the selected tool, matching the tool's JSON schema }} }} If there are multiple tools required, make sure a list of tools are returned in a JSON array. If there is no tool that match the user request, you will respond with empty json. Do not add any additional Notes or Explanations User Query:问答
What's the weather in Shnaghai, CHINA? { "tools": [ { "tool": "get_weather", "tool_input": { "city": "Shanghai, CHINA" } } ] }只要大模型会返回结构化的json数据,直接调用函数即可。